Clio: The Undergraduate History Journal
Clio is a peer-reviewed undergraduate academic journal created to showcase the highest caliber of research completed by Undergraduate History students at the University of Ottawa. This journal is a semiautonomous entity of the University of Ottawa History Students’ Association (AÉHSA). It was conceived in the spring of 2013 as part of a competition to improve the academic experience of Undergraduate History students. Clio is published online, as well as in print form.
Clio, volume XI is now available!
After months of hard work, we are proud to present to you all the eleventh volume of Clio: The Undergraduate History Journal of the University of Ottawa! This year, through 16 excellent articles seperated into four thematic sections, we tackled the issue of history memory.
We would like to thank all authours and editors who were involved in the ardous, but very rewarding process and we hope you enjoy the fruits of our labour.
Read this year's volume here!
Vol. XI Cover Design: Finn Howes
What is Clio?
Clio is uOttawa’s Undergraduate History Journal. It is issued once a year and is run entirely by uOttawa students. Clio publishes between 10-15 research papers written in upper year (3000- and 4000-level) history classes, which are then edited and approved by a team of undergraduate editors (chosen from all years).
Who are the Co-Directors?
The Clio Co-Directors for the twelth volume are Keira Kwan and Kenneth Sasan.
For any questions you may have about the CLIO process, you can contact them at: hsa.journal@artsuottawa.ca and hsa.equity@artsuottawa.ca

How can I get invoved with Clio?
Students can participate in Clio as co-directors or editors.
How can I become an editor?
The applications for Clio editors are now open! Submit your application before November 30th.
To apply please send your application to hsa.journal@artsuottawa.ca with the following attached:
- Resume.
- Short cover letter (1-2 paragraphs) explaining why you would be a good fit for the position of editor.
Participating in Clio as an Editor is a great addition to your CV and is a good opportunity for students thinking of post-graduate studies or even just to bolster your resumé.
Chance to develop your skills in writing and editing, get more involved in the Department, and get to know fellow History students and professors.
IMPORTANT: If you become an editor you won’t be able to submit a paper to the journal next semester.
How can I submit my paper to Clio?
Send your submissions to hsa.journal@artsuottawa.ca . This years theme is gender and history, and submitted essays must be at a 3000 or 4000 level and received a grade of at least 80%.